In 14th century Norwich a young woman fell under a life-threatening illness, during which she experienced a series of extraordinary visions. These revelations transformed her life, and after a miraculous recovery she took vows to live as an Anchoress, locking herself away in a small cell attached to a church in Norwich.
Her only interaction with the outside world was through a little window to which others would come seeking her wise counsel. While in this cell, she wrote down her account of the revelations she had been given and in so doing became the first woman to write a book in English. The Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich are as relevant to us today as they were 650 years ago, and her writings continue to have an impact on people across the globe.
Julian's Revelations continues to inspire and enchant people from every walk of life, whether for its spiritual insight into God's unconditional love or for Julian's historic significance as one of England's most well-regarded medieval women.

Julian Today
Visitors continue to come from across the globe to visit the cell where Julian lived, reflect and pray in St Julian's Church, and explore all that the Julian Shrine has to offer. We are pleased to house the Julian Reference Library at All Hallows, of which our guests are welcome to make use during their time with us for browsing or research.
As part of the Shrine of Julian of Norwich, All Hallows is pleased to offer accommodation to any pilgrim or traveller visiting Norwich with an interest in Julian. Our location, adjoining the churchyard and cell where Julian lived and wrote, makes us the perfect place to discover more about her, and we offer a secret garden oasis in a busy, modern city for anyone seeking rest and refreshment.
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Julian of Norwich